DH Research Project Argument

In accordance with The Craft of Research Section III, here is the established argument for my DH research project:

What is my claim?

Widespread internet usage in South Korea has bridged the country’s digital divide.

What reasons support my claim?

Internet users reached up to 89.9 % of South Korea’s population in 2015. This percentage can be compared to the USA’s (74.6%). This promotes communication via online applications such as social media sites, email, webcam conference, etc. The e-commerce economy has boomed with entry into the 21st century, uniting the online consumer community. Internet is affordable in South Korea, so it has become widespread throughout all ages of the population. Government efforts to maintain reputation of the world’s fastest internet connections. This is an effort to fund a significant societal asset for the benefit of the country as a whole.

What evidence supports my reasons?

Statistics from the World Bank, an international financial organization since 1944, providing the specifics on the percentage of internet worldwide (2015). Article from the Wiley Online Library, a global publishing company since 1807, titled “The Adoption and Use of the Internet in South Korea” (2004). Article from the South African Journal of Info. Management titled “Conquering the digital divide: Botswana and South Korea digital divide status and interventions” (2011). Brief excerpt from Forbes magazine titled “Korea Bridges Digital Divide” (2009). Article from NYT, titled “Home Internet may get even faster in South Korea” (2011).

Do I acknowledge alternatives, complications, and/or objections, and how do I respond?

If one is to argue that internet usage does not prove bridging the digital divide, they can look at a less developed country, such as Botswana, and its resource-based economy. One of the main reasons for it being less advanced than other countries is due to its lack of an information-based economy. Such an economy depends on active internet usage for communication, marketing, and stability, to stimulate economic growth and development.

What principle (warrant) justifies connecting my reasons to my claim?

The previously mentioned evidence focusing on internet usage statistics (World Bank), the fading digital divide via e-commerce, social networks, and education (Wiley Online Library), the effectiveness of South Korea’s efforts in bridging the gap (“Conquering the digital divide: Botswana and South Korea digital divide status and interventions”) , the priority of broadband and helping bridge the divide further in rural communities (“Korea Bridges Digital Divide”), and the effort to maintain world leadership in internet connectivity (““Home Internet may get even faster in South Korea”).

Article Links:

“Korea Bridges Digital Divide” (2009) - ( http://www.forbes.com/2009/04/02/internet-broadband-korea-technology-korea-09-broadband.html

“The Adoption and Use of the Internet in South Korea” (2004) - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2004.tb00299.x/full

Conquering the digital divide: Botswana and South Korea digital divide status and interventions” (2011) - http://www.sajim.co.za/index.php/SAJIM/article/viewFile/471/509

“Home Internet may get even faster in South Korea” (2011) - http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/22/technology/22iht-broadband22.html?_r=0

Statistics available at: Korea, Rep. - http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IT.NET.USER.P2?locations=KR&name_desc=false

Written on November 2, 2016 by Denis Komarov