Final Project thoughts

For final project, I will be doing male/female ratio in Indian films. Gender enquality in films is worse than you can think. According to author Laham, “Women filled just 28.7 percent of these roles in films theatrically released during 2014. Which is way better numbers if you compare it to Indian films. According to TImes Magazine , an Indian magazine , stated that in Indian films woman filled just 10-12% of roles , from which 75% of thier scenes goes into sexually revealing clothes and partially naked, which goes higher if the actors are new or not very known.

So, for this project I choosed an Indian film called “Theri(meaning Spark)” , where I will count male/female ratio , how many male and female charcters in movie , and how many dialogues given to female compare to male . So , I will be generating data by watching movie , and seeing whom talks to whom , and if actor is an female or male .And I will be posting data on NodeXL , and I am still trying to figure out what I will do after putting data on NodeXL.


Martha TS Laham 2016 - “Problem Of Gender Inequality Is Worse Than You Think” | The Huffington Post

Written on December 13, 2016 by Mohammad Anarwala