11/28 Project Update

Completed Components

At writing, I’ve completed data collection. This has entailed pulling ~40,00 tweets using Twitter Archiver, extracting the hashtags from each of those tweets, sorting the data by user ID, and getting the complete list of friends and followers for each user in the data my collection/parsing scripts are available here.


Along the way, I lost a lot of data. Carol taught me how to use screen so I could run and then forget about my scripts on a server instead of on my local machine (Thanks Carol!), which means that I don’t need to allow my scripts to hold my laptop hostage for days with the expectation of little payoff. My hashtag extraction script reliably broke after running for about 16 hours, so I ended up with hashtags for only half of the tweets for which I had data. I tried debugging, but decided to just go with what I have in the interest of time. I had similar issues with my next script that retrieved the friends of followers for each of the users for which I had been able to get hashtags for. After three days of running, my script crashed. I ended up with complete data for ~6000 users. This is a sizable number of users, but it likely represents only a small proportion of the total number of users for which I originally had data. I’ll definitely have to acknowledge these shortcomings in my report.

What’s Left

Now, I’m working on getting the data I do have into Gephi. This is the part where I’ll figure out what my data mean (or don’t mean, as the case may be). From there, I’ve got to make some pretty graphics.

Written on November 28, 2016 by Josh Guberman