Some Articles on the Topic of my Research Project

In trying to figure out what I will discover through completing my reseach project, I decided to look online for studies or articles on similar studies. A lot of what I have found bases its conclusions on close readings of the three Abrahamic texts instead of the distant reading I plan on doing so maybe I will find differnt results or maybe the result I find will confirm or deny current thoughts on the subject.

Here are some of the works I found, both academic and not so academic:

####[Quranic Studies: Similarities and Differences Between the Qur’an and Jewish and Christian Scriptures and Sources: What Do They Really Mean?] ( This article brings up specific examples and stories mentioned in all three texts. They concluded that similariteis and differences between the texts “cannot be used to draw any conclusion about the originality, reliability, and credibility of the Qur’an or the other sources.” Their main argument wasn’t about analyzing the similarity of the three texts to see if they all came with a similar/same message, but were trying to find if the similarities and differences between the texts could clue us into the reliability of the Qur’an.

####The Pen: Similarities & Differences Between Qur’an and Bible This piece brings specific verses from both the Qur’an and Bible to show specific similarites and differences. Teh author does not claim a certain conclusion, but rather just presents the evidence that he has found. The comments section indicate that the author is severely wrong and misinformed about the context of the verses he mentioned. Idon’t know exactly what to believe.

Looking through the library’s online database for more credible articles, I find that most works focus on a certain topic and discussing how it is addressed in all three religions instead of looking at the texts as a whole. Most of the articles look at what differs the three religions instead of what brings them together. I hope to be able to analyze further the similarities and differences of thetexts, not through close reading, but through a, hopefully objective, lens at a distance.

Written on October 18, 2016 by Saja Hamayel